My good people of Eka-Awoke autonomous communi4ty,I bring greetings to you all.
    Let me sieze this opportunity to first and foremost thank God Almighty for his love and grace upon us as a people.
 Eka-Awoke is our community and there is no way we could run away or wage war against ourselves,allowing mundane things and sentiments to divide or rule us.
 Yes,I was appointed caretaker chairman to temporary oversea the affairs of the community,following the suspension of the National President of Eka-Awoke Development Association,Dr Collins Irem,by the executive chairman of Ikwo local government area,Barr.Sunday Nwankwo which he cited security concerns.
  You all know me as somebody that is cool headed,calculative and lover of peace,perhaps,that could be the reason I was appointed. I did not campaign to be appointed,for your information,but,since government I serves assigned a responsibility to me,especially,to be a peace maker in my community,I think as a child of God,it is incumbent on me to do so.
 Dr Collins Irem is our brother elected as the National President of Eka-Awoke Development Association precisely on 9th December last year,no doubt about that,but,when the chief security officer of our local government,Barr Sunday Nwankwo who receives security reports more than any of us made the pronouncement,no reaonabke person could justifiably contest that with him because,he is the chief security officer of Ikwo local government area as I earlier mentioned.
 But,I got disappointed by the level of lashing,insult and scribal attacks launched against the Executive chairman,Ikwo local government area,Barr.Sunday Nwankwo who acted within the ambit of the law to dissolve or suspend any town union executives,especially having cited security concerns.
 For me,it was very wrong,the approach adopted against a constituted authority,the executive chairman of Ikwo local government area who acted in the best interest of the community to avert looming crisis over issues,like,mining activities and selection of traditional ruler among others. it is very clear that without peace,no society will develope.
   However,as the caretaker chairman appointed by government to make peace and report back,according to the charge given to us during inauguration, I want to urge those aggrieved to toe the part of peace instead of engaging in acts,capable of breaking law and order. One thing we should note is that,the use of unprintable words or hate speeches against anybody or constituted authority,also amount to serious security threats. We should not allow anybody or sentiments to becloud our sense of reasoning. 
  Eka- Awoke community as an ancestral home of Ikwo,have never had any crisis,and posterity will not forgive us if we allow that in our life time,because of one interest or the other.
 The interest of anybody should not jeopardize the peaceful nature of the our dear community,Eka-Awoke.
 So,many unprintable things have been said and written against each other in the name of interests or political affiliations,let that stop henceforth,to give way for peace and traquility in Eka-Awoke community.
  The issue of mining or selection of traditional ruler should not bring disunity among us. The exploration of mineral deposit in any part of the community will under my watch, follow due process in line with the mining Act of 2007,and every body must be carried along in all aspect of the process.
  The issue of selecting our traditional ruler as zoned to the oldest village in Eka-Awoke(Ezeke), will be conducted in the most transparent manner without any  rancour or bitternes. 
  Note that I am appointed on temporary bases which means after my brief stay,the position of National President of Eka-Awoke Development Association(ECDA),will be reverted to Ndufu Umota.
 Therefore,I urge every body to sieze fire,and avoid any thing that  could incite crisis or break-down of law and order.The people of Eka-Awoke are not naturally violent and we should resist every temtation that will  lure us into crisis. 
  Once more,I urge you all to support the caretaker committee,set up by government to address some nagging issues,capable of derobbing our peaceful nature.
   No man is a repository of knowledge,therefore,I need your suggestions,supports,and wisdom to carry out this onorious task.
    What is most important  at this point in time is giving peace a chance even at the heat of anger,and we shall all get it right at last.
   Thanks and God bless.

      Long live Eka-Awoke!
     Long live Ikwo local govt.!!
     Long live Ebonyi state!! 
      Chief Ewa Nworie
   Caretaker committee chairman
     Eka-Awoke community


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