By Ewa Nworie

The people of Eka- Awoke autonomous community in Ikwo local government area of Ebonyi has enacted a constitution that will guide it's activities with the aim of achieving it's set developmental objectives.
   This becomes necessary as the people of Eka-Awoke in their series of meetings held at primary school,Onuafiukwa,,resolved to re write the histhory of the community which have for long been disadvantaged in terms of social amenities and government prescence.
   Eka Awoke community since it's creation has conducted it's affairs without a written constitution.But,despite that,the community has remained very peaceful,but,devoid of meaningful development.
For instance,the roads,linking the five villages of Ezeke,Ndufu Umota,Ndiegu Umota,Aguinyima and Achara Ukwu,that make up Eka-Awoke autonomous  community are not motorable at all.
  Worst still,Eka-Awoke Community lacks pipe borne water and functional health centre,to cater for the health need of the people.
   The presence of electricity in the seren community,was made possible by the Elite Forum,Eka-Awoke CONSULTATIVE FORUM,under the leadership of chief Oliver Eze, through  Community Social Development Agency,a World Bank Assisted Project.
    Eka-Awoke community since it's  creation,has never operated on any written constitution,although as an ancestral home of Ikwo Noyo,members of the community have always been very orderly, honest and transparent in all their dealings,as they always exhibit high sense of maturity.
   However,whether oral or writen constitution,the community never had fracas or quarels with any neighbouring community,which of course,made Eka-Awoke to become the most peaceful community in Ikwo local government area,and 
Ebonyi state in general.
  EKA-AWOKE COMMUNITY  DEVELOPMENT UNION(ECDU),which suppose to be an avenue to drive development by carrying out some self help projects,was not active,due to poor handling of affairs and mal administration by the past leaders of the development union,as Community work was jettisoned. 
   However,despite these shortcomings,peace and tranquility,has always remain paramount in the  community. 
  Eka-Awoke autonomous community parades great academicians, like,professors,academic doctors,university graduates,together with business moguls,both home and in diaspora.
   Infact, Eka-Awoke is not only regarded as the wisest community in Ikwo local government area,but the most peaceful community in the entire Ebonyi state as it has never recorded any communal clash or war.
   Eka-Awoke community,is blessed with great sons and personalities,like,chief Oliver Eze,retired permanent secretary and author of "Cultural Identity,Ikwo Clan,Issues and Challenges",chief Daniel Ogiji,former chairman Ikwo local government area and a historian,professor Joseph Afiukwa,lecturer,Ebonyi state University,Rev.Dr. Donatus Njoku,clergy and lecturer,Ebonyi state University,professor Clementina Donatus Njoku,lecturer Ebonyi state University,chief Victor Omeh,Accountant,Ebonyi  state university,chief Igweh Lawrence Aloh,former Ikwo College librarian and chief librarian,Ebonyi state University,professor Paulinus Nnabo,a geologist and lecturer,Ebonyi state University,Hon John Nnabo,former chairman,Ikwo LGA, chief Mrs Patricia Okiri,retired permanent secretary,professor Celestine Afiukwa,lecturer,Ebonyi state University,Dr Cyprain Okiri,former deputy Accountant general,Ebonyi state,Dr Charles Nwoba,lecturer,Ebonyi state University.Engr.Dr Chinedu Nwali,lecturer,Ebonyi state University,Dr.Irem C.O,lecturer,FUNAI,and chairman,Eka-Awoke constitution drafting committee, and chief Elder Lawrence Nweke Idakari,chief of staff to Honourable speaker,Ebonyi state House of Assembly.
Others are chief Ewa Nworie,chief Information officer,Press unit,government House and a veteran Journalist,Hon Clifford Igboji,councillor,representing Eka-Awoke ward,who is a strong force in championing the current wind of positive change in the community,chief Dr Steven Igwe,APC ward chairman,Hon.christopher Afiukwa,Barr.Philip Oshine, Barr.Iteshi,Barr.Chioma Ugo,chief Edward Ogalagu,Elder Alexander Okuku,Comrade Obina Nweke,chief Fidelis Uguru,Mr.Chinedu Ugo,Mr Obasi Raymond,Mr Opeke Ibeabuch,Hon.Clinton Iteshi,former councillor,Hon.Chikwado Eze,former councilor among other university graduates with masters and Honours in their various disciplines.
   According to oral history,in the ancient time after the death of Noyo,there was eldership/chief priest contest between the father of Ekpelu and that of Ezeke,which Ekpelu later won to become the eldest while Ezeke in  Eka-Awoke followed.
    Therefore,any other community in Ikwo land contesting seniority after Ekpelu and Eka-Awoke,is not doing so with clear conscience as there is empirical evidence to ascertain the fact.



  1. It's high time Ebonyi State govt invest in peaceful community like Eka-Awoke or extend the facauties of its tetiary institutions to this peaceful.


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