NUJ Lauds Gov Nwifuru on Superlative Performance In Less Than100 days In Office - as Nwifuru donates brand new bus

By Ewa Nworie

Governor Ogbonna Nwufuru,has demonstrated in all ramifications that he is a God endowed leader.
   His high leadership quality started to showcase when he was elected speaker,Ebonyi state House of Assembly,which he hold sway for good eight years.
  Since assumption of office as governor,the policies and programmes initiated by governor Nwifuru,has stood the taste of time and has earned him,praise and accolades in the hearts of the people.
  Without doubt,Ebonyi people have got every cause to rejoice each time the name of governor Ogbonna NWIFURU is mentioned.
 Just,few days ago,the men of the pen profession,the Nigerian Union of Journalists(NUJ)Ebonyi state council,led by it's chairman,comrade Sampson Nwafor paid governor Ogbonna Nwifuru,a courtesy call to congratulate him on his resounding victory at the polls and successful swearing in as the fourth executive governor of    Ebonyi states,salt of the nation.
Another reason given by NUJ for their visit was to appreciate the Sterling quality of governor Nwifuru's administration which according to them,left everybody in the state in a joyful mood.
  Of course,this is the first time the men of the pen profession,the NUJ family has come out boldly to appreciate good governance in the state.
  However,this was after the management of the Sun Newspapers,Nigeria ltd,had earlier paid a similar visit to governor Ogbonna Nwifuru,which they also expressed deep delights over the superlative performance of the governor within a short space of time.
 The visit was indeed,a moment of joy for members of the fourth estate of the realm,the NUJ,Ebonyi state council,as governor Ogbonna Nwifuru made quick to attend to all the requests,including,the request for a brand new bus,which governor Nwifuru oblidged as he gave order to secretary to the state government(SSG),to instantly present a new bus to the NUJ.
  Governor Nwifuru while charting a way forward for robust relationship between his government and journalists in the state,called on the men of the pen profession to always verify their  stories by upholding the ethics of their profession. 
NWIFURU who frowned at fake news that he said,have become the order of the day in some media space,which according to him,journalists are also guilty of, pointed out that the media as the fourth estate of the realm has the onorious task of puting every government on check according to the Nigeria constitution.
  Governor Nwifuru assured journalists of his government transparency and accountability,just as he called on them to partner with his administration to help reposition Ebonyi state.
  He said,"It is our resolve as Government, to be transparent and provide the enabling environment for the gentlemen of the press,to assist us as partners in progress,to achieve the People’s Charter of Needs,for Ebonyi people. We are not perfect and they are important to always guide us aright when necessary".
 The chairman,comrade Sampson Nwafor,in his address eulogized governor Ogbonna Nwifuru,for his people oriented leadership that have brought joy and happiness to everybody in Ebonyi state.
"Let me convey to you your Excellency that the members of NUJ are very happy with you,the steps you have taken so far since you assumed office.
The policies and programmes you have rolled out,attest to the fact that your administration is anccord on human capital development in line with your manifesto titled,Ebonyi charter of needs.
   "We thank you for improving our health sector through employment of health personnel,we commend you for lifting embago on employment of more workers into civil service. We can't thank you enough for remembering the agonies of our brothers and sisters in the rural communities by ordering the construction of rural roads. We thank you for knowing that water is life and ordered that let there be water in Ebonyi state. Before you came in,there was no water in the state.
 "We thank you for setting up peace committees to look into many crisis ravaging parts of the state.
  "We are particularly happy because,the ordinary people on the streets are the direct beneficiaries of the lofty policies and programmes you have brought in since you came on board".


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